Thursday 3 July 2014

Should I contact him again?

Plums says:
So me and this guy were speaking for hours till like 4am then I feel asleep on him. The next day I said sorry I feel asleep and the conversation continued. We got to know each other and then randomly he said I'll hook you up with my brother. I was like wtf no, he goes cos we're both the same age and I'm too young for him
I'm 18 and he's 21 btw. After that I just ignored him and then the next day I changed my display picture and he complimented me. This means that he didn't delete my number even though he sort of 'rejected' me

Anyways I really want to talk to him & for him to like me. I know he's not gonna speak to me because it's been a couple of days now. What exactly can I say to get him interested in me or shall I forget it overall

How can you get a guy to like you? 

Do you really want to hook up with someone who has made such an insulting remark? At the very least you need to demand an apology as the minimum requirement before he comes anywhere near you again. I think you are setting your standards too low. Start seeing yourself as a prize to be won by the best man for you.

You cannot make anyone like you. They like you or they don't. Be yourself, be proud, demand respect, and the right man will come along

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