Thursday 20 February 2014

How do I tell her our friendship is over?

Jess says:
So me and my best friend have been friends for over 4 years, we were so close and did everything. Only recently I have noticed that she has been hanging out with other people, which is fine because I do it too. The only issue is that she never makes time for me at all, I'm ALWAYS the one to text her first, ALWAYS the one to meet up or arrange someone thing, it's likes she doesn't even like me. I perfectly understand her moving on but when we try and talk she makes excuses such as, 'sorry I'm busy' and Never texts me back even tho she said she will. It's annoying because I feel like she is just stringing me along because she always says that we are bff's but it doesn't seem like we are. So, I have come to the conclusion and descision to not be friend with her at all, she's really hurting my feelings so I don't want to have to deal with her at all, she's never there for me when I need her most so why should I bother? How do I tell her that I don't want to be friends anymore?

I don't think you need to do anything. Just do what she's been doing! She'll soon get the message. I don't think you need a formal closing ceremony, just go your own way. 

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