Monday 27 January 2014

What is she really feeling?

Josh says:
So my girlfriend and i broke up in October after 2.5 years. Ever since the breakup we have always been in contact and I had been wanting to get back together. At the beginning of the new semester, she started staying over my apartment again and we were basically in a relationship without the label. She said she hasnt developed those"feelings" for me again, but she calls me her best friend. So basically I cant be friends with her if I still love her, so i told her that we needed a no contact break and she thought it could really help. So we decided to take a 2 week break, and that started last Sunday, well today I realized that she basically blocked me on twitter. I was surprised by that so I just texted her to see why. She said she didn't want to see my tweets so she changed her privacy settings and unfollowed me. Well the thing is that I tweeted for the first time in a month yesterday, so literally one tweet made her do that? What is she feeling if she can't stand seeing anything I say? After she texted me back I just said back, "ok well ill talk to you next sunday unless you've moved on from me or you tell me otherwise" and she hasn't responded. So what do you think she is thinking about all of this? 

Here's your problem - you know exactly what you want and she either doesn't want you or she doesn't know what she wants. You love this girl but she's just not loving you back dude. You just can't make someone feel the same way you do. All the time you are hoping against hope she'll be yours again is delaying meeting the one that's really right for you. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back by themselves they're yours, and if they don't they never really were. I know how tough it is to let go - I have a daughter who never loved me back. The sooner you let go the sooner you will heal and move on. And btw you could never be just friends with this girl because you love her too much. It has to be a clean break.

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