Tuesday 28 January 2014

I'm not doing well in Highschool

Rainyday says:
Im a freshman in highschool and I'm not doing very well
Algebra 1 F
Computer science b
Environmental sciene b
Biology F
World history F
English A

My mom thinks im really smart but really I'm not, i try really hard and turn in extra credit . I didnt even want to go to the highschool i go to now. I got to a highschool for eingeering and science with all these smart kids, but im not smart. I really lovw drawing and english and wanted to go to a highschool for but my mom made me come here so i could be a nerosurgeon?" I dont know anything about the brain and im failing biology. This is the second report card marking period and my accumalative grades so far are all c's. So i guess ill try harder in the third to get b's. I wasnt that bad in the first period, i got a and b and one c. can i still get into a good college? Im not very bright but i dont want to disapoint my mom :( 

Mom could do with loving you as you are, not the person she wants you to be. Clearly your forte is the arts not the sciences and you were certainly born that way. Two things must happen. Firstly you must accept that you're not dumb, just a round peg in a square hole. You need to be places that foster your talents not your weaknesses. Secondly Mom is gonna have to accept it. Does she love you or her dream for you?

Accept it or not, you will only be happy in life if you do what's right for you, not what others want you to be. You will need courage, but the alternative is misery. Good luck. 

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